How to stop negative self-talk to improve your life

Did you ever have an interaction with someone that left you feeling drained and angry? We all have! Sometimes someone else’s energy just doesn’t mesh with yours. In this episode, we detail how you can protect your energy when dealing with other people. We outline some great tips from a recent blog on the subject that you’ll find in our Words of Wisdom section of this website. We also help you to develop an understanding of the energy you are putting out in the world and whether that’s in alignment with who you want to be.

Is your mindset working for you or against you? Our podcast will show you how to build a mindset that will propel you and create opportunities to find joy in every aspect of your life. Doesn’t that sound great? A more positive mindset AND more joy? It’s all based in the science of positive psychology, which is the study of human thriving. Come and thrive right along with us!