What is your body image trying to tell you with Deb Schachter, Therapist and author

“Our body image houses our story,” says Body Image Therapist Deb Schachter https://debschachterlicsw.com/, who has been recognized as one of Boston’s leading clinicians in the areas of body image and eating disorder recovery. She has co-authored a book with former Olympic athlete Whitney Otto http://whitneyottocoaching.com/ called Body Image Inside Out: A Revolutionary Approach to Body Image Healing https://bodyimageinsideout.com/. Deb says, “Body image is the ticker tape for what’s happening inside.” In this interview, she explains what we can learn from our body image and how we can build what she calls “BodySelf muscles.” She describes her process as couples therapy for you and your body image. Don’t miss it!!

Is your mindset working for you or against you? Our podcast will show you how to build a mindset that will propel you and create opportunities to find joy in every aspect of your life. Doesn’t that sound great? A more positive mindset AND more joy? It’s all based in the science of positive psychology, which is the study of human thriving. Come and thrive right along with us!