How would you like to feel better and live longer? Dr. Torkil Færø. a general practitioner and emergency physician, has been blowing up the best seller list in Norway for more than 66 weeks with his book, The Pulse Cure . He says our heart rate variability can tell us all kinds of things about our health, “Our body whispers and we are hard of hearing.” With the Pulse Cure, he says, we can hear loud and clear exactly what our bodies need to stay healthy, and to reduce inflammation, which is a major contributor to chronic illnesses. Listen in and see what you can learn from yourself!
Is your mindset working for you or against you? Our podcast will show you how to build a mindset that will propel you and create opportunities to find joy in every aspect of your life. Doesn’t that sound great? A more positive mindset AND more joy? It’s all based in the science of positive psychology, which is the study of human thriving. Come and thrive right along with us!