Lehigh Valley Pa, (September 20, 2020)-Inresponse to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, The WisdomCoalition releases it’s second book called, ThePower Of A Pause, How turning inward is the catalyst you need to findmore joy.
Turning inward is a powerful and productivetool you can use every day to create the life you want. Researchshows you have the ability to control your own sense of peace,happiness, and joy, and it starts with a pause. This intentional, orunintentional, break is essential to understanding who you are, whyyou are here, and how you can create a positive mindset that focuseson joy, instead of negativity.
We choose to pause through mindfulness,meditation, and self-reflection. And sometimes in life, we are forcedto stop and slow down because of a death, illness, set-back, orglobal pandemic. This break from the normal, whether it’sintentional or unintentional, can be a gift from which you can emergewith a more vibrant inner world that fills in and provides themissing peace that you’ve been looking for.
In ThePower Of A Pause, co-founders ofThe Wisdom Coalition, Kim Howie, MAPP and health coach, and NancyWerteen, MCA, a television news journalist and writer, deconstructthe evidence and show you how to put this powerful tool to work inyour life through personal stories and scientific evidence.
Available nowon Amazon!
Coauthors: Kim Howie and Nancy Werteen KimHowie is an author, Certified Health Coach, and designer of the PureEnergy Program, which focuses on building awareness around thephysical and emotional effects of food, as well as the mind/bodyconnection. Kim holds a master’s degree in Positive Psychology andis a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
Nancy Werteen is an award-winning broadcastjournalist currently working as an anchor and health and wellnessreporter at WFMZ-TV69 in Allentown, Pennsylvania. She also teaches atthe college level and is a freelance writer. Nancy holds a master’sdegree in Communication Arts with distinction from the New YorkInstitute of Technology.
As co-founders of The Wisdom Coalition, Kimand Nancy have a weekly podcast and a television show. They conductmindset management workshops for corporations and individuals bothon-line and during in-person seminars. They are also speakers whoinspire people to change their mindsets so they can find more joy.Their first book is called ThePower Of A Pivot.